Are you an "admin" for a Facebook page?

Here in 4 steps is an easy way to grow your fan base.

In short, start a friendly competition among your colleagues. Seek out the true believers, the ones who are most interested in your product, service or cause, the people who will help you reach the hottest prospects and the ones who are most connected.

Good news: there's no Facebook app to install and this contest is free.

Issue a challenge. Ask your team, "Who has the most friends who like our Facebook page?" Then ask participants to do the following:

1) Go to our Facebook page.

2) If you haven't already, click "LIKE" to like the page.

3) Once you're viewing that page, look on the right hand side of the screen. You should see the word "Friends" -- Facebook's general purpose words for Facebook friends, acquaintances and relatives. How many do you see?

Tell them how many you have. Can they top your number by a certain deadline?

4) Ask them to invite their Facebook friends to "like" the page.

The results may surprise you -- that mild-mannered key member of your team may be the most competitive. That's how it turned how for one of my nonprofit clients. The client added 100 new friends within 36 hours and it gave them new momentum to keep growing as they sought funding.

Good luck!

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